Embed Code
Once you login go to Account->UserProfile in the application dashboard. There you will find the embed code for integration. Just put this code before the </body>
in the pages where you want to integrate Gleaner widgets. Once integrated everything can be configured, tested and deployed from the Gleaner dashboard.
<script> (function (w,d,s,o,f,js,fjs) { w['devmakeall-UserTap-Widget']=o;w[o] = w[o] || function () { (w[o].q = w[o].q || []).push(arguments) }; js = d.createElement(s), fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; js.id = o; js.src = f; js.async = 1; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(window, document, 'script', 'glw', https://gleaner.in/lib/widget.js)); glw('deploy', 'unique_code');</script>